Happy 85th birthday to his holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

To his holiness the 14th DALAI LAMA 
 As long as I live, I bow before you for your words of love and flawless actions
As long as the Stars stays, I will utterly adore you, for you being a generous human being
All I can do is owe this poem to you
To this prestigious soul gifted from heaven
Whenever you preach dharma, we are filled with tears and we become speechless
For I know, you are the living Buddha for million of people including me
A soul known to have accomplished to get out from the trap of three poisons of samsara
Ignorance, attachment and aversion
A foremost spiritual leader born to protect Buddhism..
A Belief to be the reincarnation of the Bodhisattva of compassion
This truly blissful being who is considered to be the successor in the line of tulku
Whatever creatures I may get born to, I will love to follow your path of compassion
 I take this opportunity to be blessed 
So every time I am born I can 
 write to you 
On your special day and so as to follow your path everyday 
His holiness the 14th Dalai lama 
May you live a healthy and long life!!!
May you attain the three jewels of Buddha; 
The Buddha :  the fully enlightened one
The Dharma :the teaching expounded by the Buddha
The Sangha: the monastic order of Buddhism that follows dharma
May you be the fully enlightened Buddha
May you continuously come to love all the creatures
May you always be there to motivate us..
May you live a long life 
His holiness May you live long 
 Sending you much love on your Birthday ..
 From  A Poetry lover 
A  simple being following Buddha's path 
Poem by Urgen Tsomo Lama


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